01 April 2009

Last Night I Lost The Will To Fight

April 1 brings a new challenge to The Copeland Blog. Several co-workers and I have decided to partake in a blogging challenge during the month of April. The goal: a blog a day (at least) for the 30 days of the month. And I think this will be good for me.

Now, for you newcomers to this particular blog of irrational thought and opinion, here's a couple of things to know:

A) I try to be mostly objective (most attempts fail) except in cases when I say, "Personally, I loved it." that's not really objective.
B)Most blog titles are song titles or song lyrics. Occasionally, you'll see one that's from a TV show or movie of interest.
C) Most blog titles have nothing to do with the content of the blog
D) Disagreeing with me is oh so welcomed. That's the point...to open up a conversation.

Good. That's all clear. Now, onto the point of this post. In the midst of a blogging challenge, I want to pose a challenge to all of you. The challenge is to watch and/or read BBC World News as much as possible during this much. No excuses for those who don't have cable, because it comes on NPT at 9 PM CST.

The reason for the challenge is to see how drastically daily conversations change and how much broader or view and scope of the world becomes.

So, the challenge(s) are on. It promises to be fun.


At 8:15 AM, April 01, 2009 , Blogger C. Rado said...

First topic... shady G20 meetings in London?

BBC news is also on 1430 AM (WPLN), for people like the Rados who don't even have television reception at all.

At 2:11 PM, April 01, 2009 , Blogger Patrick Copeland said...

Totally. Aside from the dummies who tried to break into the Bank of Scotland, I am really glad that there are some folks bold enough to stand up against the g20. It was cool to see how the BBC posted times and locations of certain protests.

Of course, 99% of the world still thinks that the g20 is the world coming together to make sure we're taken care of. Bummer


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