So far away
After reading a very depressing article on New York Times I found myself continuing to question our government spending habits. I think the people who scorned Bush for his liberal use of funds are now realizing that Obama is putting us in the same boat. Except this boat is expected to be $9 trillion in a national deficit by next year.
Yet they keep pushing. Sure, cash for guzzlers may have been a very mild success, but considering it helped the wealthy and the car dealers more than anyone is nothing to write home about. And now we're re-allocating more energy funds for the "cash for fridges" program.
And they're still pushing the health care bill as if the world will end if we don't get this enacted tomorrow. We're watching Social Security shrink before our eyes and yet, spending and spending. And spending.
I've really respected Dave Ramsey for the fact that he's made millions by telling people not to spend more money than they make. And to save money for the things you'll need it for in the future. It's funny that the US government is still operating with the complete opposite mindset. And then the justification is that you have to spend billions to fix the problem.
I don't pretend to know how the deep, inner workings of how Washington works, but I do know that the same old gig is tired and useless. Yes, Obama is different than Bush (and even Clinton and the Bush before that), but the larger issues never seem to be mended. What's missing?
Let's chat.